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Top level | pars principalis organi Short Extended |
Level 2 | segmentum organi Short Extended |
Level 3 | vena Short Extended |
Current level | vena portae hepatis |
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Ancestors |
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FMA:62955 | |
FMA:61775 | |
FMA:67165 | |
FMA:305751 | |
FMA:67135 | |
FMA:82472 | |
FMA:67619 | |
FMA:86140 | |
FMA:306412 | |
FMA:50722 | |
FMA:312599 | |
FMA:86188 | |
FMA:50723 | |
FMA:66645 |
vena portae hepatis
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
66645 | 4810 | part |
vena portae hepatis ; vena portae
hepatic portal vein; portal vein
66645 | 14686 | part |
pars intrahepatica venae portae hepatis
intrahepatic part of hepatic portal vein
15419 | 4812 | part |
ramus anterior
anterior branch
15422 | 4813 | part |
ramus posterior
posterior branch
71904 | 15540 | part |
pars prehepatica venae portae hepatis
prehepatic part of hepatic portal vein
71903 | 15520 |
attributio venae portae hepatis
tributary of hepatic portal vein
15414 | 4811 | part |
ramus dexter
right branch
15415 | 4814 | part |
ramus sinister venae portae hepatis
left branch of hepatic portal vein
71905 | 15539 |
divisio rami dextri
subdivision of right branch
71906 | 15519 |
divisio rami sinistri venae portae hepatis
subdivision of left branch of hepatic portal vein of hepatic portal vein
15425 | 4816 | part |
caudate branch
15430 | 4818 | part |
ramus lateralis
lateral branch
15427 | 4820 | part |
ramus medialis
medial branch
17548 | 2715 | part |
vena interlobularis hepatis
interlobular vein of liver
50736 | 15521 |
attributio partis prehepaticae venae portae hepatis
tributary of prehepatic part of hepatic portal vein
14331 | 4837 | part |
vena splenica ; vena lienalis
splenic vein
14332 | 4827 | part |
vena mesenterica superior
superior mesenteric vein
15387 | 15522 |
attributio venae splenicae
tributary of splenic vein
15388 | 4838 | part |
vena pancreatica venae splenicae
pancreatic vein of splenic vein
15389 | 4839 | part |
vena gastrica brevis
short gastric vein
15390 | 4840 | part |
vena gastroomentalis sinistra ; vena gastroepiploica sinistra
left gastroomental vein ; left gastroepiploic vein
15391 | 4841 | part |
vena mesenterica inferior
inferior mesenteric vein
15392 | 15524 |
attributio venae mesentericae inferioris
tributary of inferior mesenteric vein
15394 | 4842 | part |
vena colica sinistra
left colic vein
15395 | 4843 | part |
vena sigmoidea
sigmoid vein
15393 | 4844 | part |
vena rectalis superior ; vena anorectalis superior
superior rectal vein ; superior anorectal vein ; superior haemorrhoidal vein
62815 | 4888 | part |
sinus splenicus pulpae rubrae splenis ; sinus lienalis
splenic sinus of red pulp of spleen of spleen
15404 | 4826 | part |
vena prepylorica
prepyloric vein
15396 | 15523 |
attributio venae mesentericae superioris
tributary of superior mesenteric vein
70927 | 4828 | part |
vena jejunalis
jejunal vein
70928 | 4829 | part |
vena ilealis
ileal vein
15397 | 4830 | part |
vena gastroomentalis dextra ; vena gastroepiploica dextra
right gastroomental vein ; right gastroepiploic vein
70929 | 4831 | part |
vena pancreatica venae mesentericae superioris
pancreatic vein of superior mesenteric vein
15398 | 17800 |
vena pancreaticoduodenalis
pancreaticoduodenal vein
70930 | 4832 | part |
vena pancreaticoduodenalis inferior
inferior pancreaticoduodenal vein
329296 | 17801 |
vena pancreaticoduodenalis superior
superior pancreaticoduodenal vein
15398 | 4823 | part |
vena pancreaticoduodenalis superior posterior
posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein
329297 | 17799 | part |
vena pancreaticoduodenalis superior anterior
anterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein
15408 | 4833 | part |
vena ileocolica
ileocolic vein
15407 | 4835 | part |
vena colica dextra
right colic vein
15406 | 4836 | part |
vena colica media
middle colic vein
14509 | 15538 |
attributio venae ileocolicae
tributary of ileocolic vein
15410 | 4834 | part |
vena appendicularis
appendicular vein
15403 | 4821 | part |
vena cystica
cystic vein
15399 | 4824 | part |
vena gastrica sinistra
left gastric vein
15400 | 4825 | part |
vena gastrica dextra
right gastric vein
71591 | 4822 | part |
vena paraumbilicalis
paraumbilical vein
47 items
Scientific notes |
Signature |
Type of list | T4 |
List Unit Identifier | 4810 |
Number of children | 46 (validated) |
Number of units | 47 (validated) |
Signature | 5508 (validated since 3.1.2025) |
Date: 05.01.2025 |